Things you can do to stop being a n00b

Things you can do to stop being a n00b

By Leonard Miller (‎olegm‎) from
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 09:55 AM
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Tags: beginner

In this talk, we will discuss the different approaches that you can take to get beyond 'beginner' or 'entry level' status in your Job and Career as a Perl developer.

Attended by: Dan Magnuszewski (‎magnachef‎), Robert Boone (‎rlb3‎), Leonard Miller (‎olegm‎), Adri Mills, Barbara Jensen, Mark Jubenville (‎ioncache‎), brian janaszek, Craig Pluchinsky, Barbie, Kenneth Power, Victor Stevko, Chris Muench (‎blasto333‎), Lisa Wilcox, Greg Alheid, Paul Lalli (‎MrItty‎), Terry Bates,