Things you can do to stop being a n00b
Things you can do to stop being a n00b
By Leonard Miller (olegm) from
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 09:55 AM
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Tags: beginner
In this talk, we will discuss the different approaches that you can take to get beyond 'beginner' or 'entry level' status in your Job and Career as a Perl developer.
Attended by: Dan Magnuszewski (magnachef),
Robert Boone (rlb3),
Leonard Miller (olegm),
Adri Mills,
Barbara Jensen,
Mark Jubenville (ioncache),
brian janaszek,
Craig Pluchinsky,
Kenneth Power,
Victor Stevko,
Chris Muench (blasto333),
Lisa Wilcox,
Greg Alheid,
Paul Lalli (MrItty),
Terry Bates,