Object oriented perl -- everything you were too embarrassed to ask.

Object oriented perl -- everything you were too embarrassed to ask.

By Leonard Miller (‎olegm‎) from Minneapolis.pm
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 10:20 AM
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Tags: data::dumper oo ooperl

If you are confused by $self->{item} then this is the talk for you. We will talk about all the things that confuse a newer programmer with Object Oriented Perl syntax.

Attended by: Tim Heaney (‎oylenshpeegul‎), Dan Magnuszewski (‎magnachef‎), Kurt Edmiston, David H. Adler (‎dha‎), Erik Sturcke, James Diskin, Shana Andreychek, David Faler, Adri Mills, Mark Jubenville (‎ioncache‎), Douglas Sims, Barbara Jensen, brian janaszek, Todd McDowell, Leonard Miller (‎olegm‎), Lawrence Hixson (‎Larry‎), Jeremy Fluhmann (‎jfluhmann‎), mark stout, Duane Brown (‎duaneb‎), Lisa Wilcox, Jason Crome (‎CromeDome‎), Brad Cavanagh (‎CanSpice‎), Michael Aquilina (‎aquilina‎), Greg Alheid, Brad Oaks (‎bradoaks‎), Michael Flickinger, Chris Muench (‎blasto333‎), splitbit, Paul Lalli (‎MrItty‎), Packy Anderson, Mark Jensen,