Each year before YAPC::NA, it is a tradition for attendees to get together and have dinner and a few drinks to kick the week off right. This year, as in 2006, we will be having the dinner at Goose Island in Wrigleyville. The dinner is buffet-style, so you'll need to sign up below now so that we know how much food to have prepared.
Sunday Jun 15th, around 6pm? Transportation?
This dinner is not sponsored by the conference and typically costs in the $30 range. As always, a cash bar is available :)
Vote for your two choices of the carnivore entrees at ArrivalDinnerMenu - uri
"CTA Red Line subway to Addison stop. Walk west to Clark, left to the brewpub." The Red line has a stop close to campus. You do the math.
Not going to this event, try the Anti-Pre-Conference Dinner instead.
- Josh McAdams (jmcadams)
- Uri Guttman
- William Morris (Bill)
- Andrew Moore (amoore)
- omega / Andreas Marienborg
- merlyn / Randal Schwartz
- James E Keenan (kid51)
- Jay Hannah (jhannah) wants to go. Transportation? My mobile: 1-402-578-3976.
- David Wheeler (Theory)
- Mike Whitaker (Penfold) (transportless)
- R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey)
- David H. Adler (dha)
- Joe Cooper (swelljoe)
- zaz / Zak Zebrowski
- Todd Rinaldo (toddr)
- Karen Pauley
- Barbie
- Walt Mankowski (waltman)
- Mike Fragassi (frag)
- Packy Anderson (but I'll be cutting out no later than 8:30pm catch the tail end of TonyAwards BOF)
- Gabor Szabo (szabgab)
- Lara Ortiz de Montellano
- Victor Stevko
- Christoph Otto (cotto)
- Adam Kennedy (Alias)
- Matt S Trout (mst)
- chromatic
- Jeff Horwitz
- DrForr
- Jamie Cameron
- Yusuke Kawasaki (kawanet)
- Josh Rabinowitz ("joshr") / joshr
- Michael Peters (mpeters)
- Phillip Upton (phillup)
- Lee Aylward (leedo)
- Alex Gonopolskiy
- Ingy döt Net (ingy)
- Leonard Miller (olegm) with a chance of my family coming along.
- Luc St-Louis (lucs)
- Kent Cowgill (chargrill)
- Kent Cowgill (chargrill)'s wife (and infant, but he won't be eating anything)
- Chris Dolan (chrisdolan)
- Clayton Scott
- M W (diakopterXXX)
- Stephen Scaffidi (hercynium)
- particle
- Clyde Forrester (c4ster)
version 51 saved on 06/09/08 06:48 AM by Clyde Forrester (c4ster)
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