Speakers, please link to any slides, video, audio, etc that you have for your presentations. In the past people have used Slide Share. Some people complain about having to login in order to actually download the original media on that site though... but you can probably find a password at BugMeNot.
Make sure you also edit your talk to include the URL for your talk slides.
Monday talks:
* 09:15 "TPF Annual Report" (Jim Brandt) Slides
* 13:00 "Forget Shell Scripts" (Mike Schilli) Slides
* 13:00 "Skimmable Code" (Michael Schwern (Schwern)) Slides
* 13:25 "Essential One-Liners" (Walt Mankowski (waltman)) Slides
* 13:50 "Handling the Ball of Mud" (Fred Moyer (FredMoyer)) Slides
* 15:40 "PAR + FUSE + PDF" (Chris Dolan) Slides
Tuesday talks:
* 08:15 "Perl Is unDead" (Michael Schwern (Schwern)) Slides
* 08:40 "Webservice Specification Schema and LL libraries" (Yusuke Kawasaki (kawanet)) Slides
* 08:40 "Fey(::ORM), YA(F)ORM" (Dave Rolsky (autarch)) Slides
* 09:05 "Scaling Databases with DBIx::Router" (Perrin Harkins (perrin))
* 10:05 "Intro to Mason" (Dave Rolsky (autarch)) Slides
* 10:55 "Rakudo: Perl 6 on Parrot" (Patrick Michaud (Pm)) Slides
* 13:00 "Catalyst: 21st Century Perl web development" (Matt S Trout (mst)) Part 1 Slides, Part 2 Slides, Examples
* 13:00 "Creation of a Simple Web app using WebApp Template Toolkit and Class::DBI" (Leonard Miller (olegm)) Slides
* 14:00 "Parrot Compiler Toolkit" (Patrick Michaud (Pm)) Slides
* 14:15 "Perl::Critic and Perl::Tidy, Your guide to better programming practices." (Leonard Miller (olegm)) Slides
* 14:50 "Testing Data With The Sims" (Michael Schwern (Schwern)) Slides
* 15:15 "How to be a CPAN Tester" (Barbie) Slides
Wednesday talks:
* 08:15 "DBIx::MasterClass" (Matt S Trout (mst)) Slides
* 09:05 "Reaction: Continuations, components and reflection in web MVC" (Matt S Trout (mst)) Slides
* 09:05 "Movable Type Open Source (MTOS) for the Perl Developer"(Timothy Appnel (tima)) Slides here
* 10:05 "Gluing Together Amazon Web Services with Perl"(Timothy Appnel (tima)) Slides here
* 11:45 "DOM manipulation by Gainer/Wiimote over HTTP" (Yusuke Kawasaki (kawanet)) Slides
* 11:45 "(Ab-) Using Round Robin Databases (RRD) with Perl" (Mike Schilli) Slides
Lightning talks:
* 13:00 "Chemchains sandbox" (Jay Hannah (jhannah)) slides (under "Links")
* 13:30 "Swish-e Lighting Talk: Overview and Future Plans" (Josh Rabinowitz ("joshr") (joshr)) Slides
* 14:00 "Testing with Math::Combinatorics" (Anirvan Chatterjee) Slides
Ryan Gerry's notes from several sessions are available here
Last modified: 07/07/08 09:34 PM by R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey) Tags: aws mtos search slides swish
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