Master Class: Beginning Catalyst

By Jonathan Rockway (‎jrockway‎) from
Date: Friday, June 20, 2008 09:00 AM
Duration: 480 minutes
Target audience: Lightning
Tags: catalyst master_class perl

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

This class is based on Jonathan Rockway's Catalyst: Accelerating Perl Web Application Development book. Catalyst is a Perl web application framework. "Beginning Catalyst" covers basic application in Catalyst, including creating a new application, developing a database schema through an object-relational model, and creating different views of the application information.

To be successful in this class, students should be comfortable with everything in Intermediate Perl, including module creation and object-oriented programming. Students should have some exposure to databases, SQL, and at least one templating language such as Template Toolkit or Mason. This class requires some advanced skills including module installation, subclassing, and basic web development skills.

* an additional fee is required for this session (

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