Asynchronous programming FTW!
By Sawyer X (Sawyer X) from
Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2013 10:35
Duration: 45 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Language: English
Tags: anyevent async asynchronous
The new age is all about non-blocking asynchronous creative responsive deconstructive refactored decoupled conjectured applications. If you're not on
the event loop wagon loop, you're missing out!
What the hell am I talking about? Am I just drunk? How many of the above words are totally made-up? These questions and more will be answered at this talk!
- Tim Bunce
- Stevan Little (stevan)
- John Anderson (genehack)
- Dan Wright (ehdonhon)
- Travis Davis
- Mateu Hunter (mateu)
- Karen Etheridge (Ether)
- Robert Blackwell (rblackwe)
- Al Newkirk (alnewkirk)
- Mark Stosberg
- Mark Allen (mallen)
- Will Willis
- Kevin Shaum
- Olaf Alders (oalders)
- Will Natale
- Arthur Schmidt (fREW)
- Karl Arp
- Henry Van Styn (vanstyn)
- Phillip Upton (phillup)
- Dana Jacobsen (danaj)
- Stephen Wilcoxon (wilcoxon)
- jerry gay (particle)
- Jared Miller
- ribasushi +1
- Steve Nolte (mcsnolte)
- Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
- Breno Oliveira (garu)
- parv
- Erin Brassfield (novvy)
- Mike Covington
- Alexander D'Archangel
- John Haugeland (StoneCypher)
- Bryan Rivera
- Joe Papperello
- Tim Mullin (Tim)
- Stan Schwertly (stan_theman)
- Harika Tandra
- Mike Greb (mikegrb)
- Rich Harkins
- Faelin Landy (wolf)
- dean burnham
- John Ellyson
- Mike Salter
- vroom
- Vat Raghavan (MachinShin)
- Jason McIntosh (jmac)
- Logan Bell (epochbell)
- Ross Steiner (rdsteiner)
- James Wilkus
- Tom Nelson
- Chris Millard (cmillard)
- David Blumenthal
- Anne Sipes
- Tim Heaney (oylenshpeegul)
- Thomas Stanton (tstanton)
- Chip Salzenberg (Chip)
- Ted Lanman
- Nicholas Jackson
- Rob Duncan (robd)
- Kenneth Smith
- Georgy Vladimirov
- Dan Muey
- Andrew Grangaard (spazm)
- Josh Miers
- Brandon Kallus
- Nick Melnick (oZ)
- Chuck Hardin
- Tracey Clark (TraceyC)
- Craig Treptow (ctreptow)
- Christopher Madsen (cjm)
- Rusty Bourland (saki)
- Mike Fragassi (frag)
- Mark Jubenville (ioncache)
- Matt Monsen
- Jay Hannah (jhannah)
- Walt Mankowski (waltman)
- (Samuel) Kurt Newman
- Michael South (msouth)
- Marcus Del Greco
- Buddy Burden (barefootcoder)