Notes from a Newbie

By Joe Axford (‎j0e‎) from
Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2013 14:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Language: English
Tags: catalyst newbie perl

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Over the last year I've been learning Perl as I've found time, and have recently been focusing on web application development with Catalyst. I've been amazed by the resources on the Internet, how much help I've received at, and what I've been able to learn on my own with the help of the Perl community and Perl documentation. This talk will be a reflection on these experiences, with information provided about the resources I found to be so helpful to me.

The most important resources I will discuss include:

* Perl documentation
* Perldoc::Server

I will mention the value I've found in taking good notes, and how effective and efficient it is to do so with the VimWiki plugin and Vim. Finally, I will introduce my "Notes from a Newbie" at, which document the creation and deployment of with Perl Catalyst on shared hosting.

Attended by: