* Date: Monday, June 16
* Time: 5:30pm
* Place: MSV main lounge (see note)

(Note: if you want to attend this BOF but don't have an ID card to get into the MSV dorms, call Patrick at 214-682-9420 and we'll send someone to pass you through the dorm security.)

As most people know, TPF recently received a sizable grant from Ian Hague that included Perl 6 development as one of its major components. However, responsible grant administration requires more than simply handing out checks -- we still want and need oversight. The structure and charter of the existing grants committee is not really suited for this, so we're looking to quickly develop some processes to manage the Perl 6 grants.

Attend this BOF to help TPF design the process of how the Perl 6 grants are tendered, reviewed, awarded, and monitored.

Expected BOF participants:
* Richard Dice
* Patrick Michaud
* Jerry Gay
* Will Coleda (‎coke‎)
* M W (‎diakopterXXX‎) (perhaps).
* Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎)
* Allison Randal
* <add your name here>

Below is a proposed sample format for Perl 6 grant applications. The key feature of these grants is that they're expected to directly advance the goal of reaching Perl 6 itself as a deliverable.

Following our recent announcement, regarding the substantial donation from Ian Hague to support Perl 6, we are now looking for suitable grant proposals. Proposals should clearly demonstrate how they will advance the release of Perl 6.

Please send proposals of no more than 1000 words to (relevant email
address). Plain text is best, using the following format:


Where can we contact you?

Project Title

A short description.

Benefits to Perl 6 Development
How will this advance the release of Perl 6?

Quantifiable results, including reference to a documented milestone or critical path element.

Project Details
A more detailed description.

Project Schedule
How long will the project take? When can you begin work?

Report Schedule
How do you plan to provide updates on your work?
How frequently will these updates be made?

Public Repository
Where will the code be stored upon completion?
Where will the change logs be held?

Who are you? What makes you the best person to work on this project?

Amount Requested

Proposed License: Artistic 2 or other

version 12 saved on 06/17/08 01:18 AM by Jim Brandt

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