
By Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) from northwestengland.pm, dahut.pm, drinkers.pm, lgbt.pm
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 08:15 AM
Duration: 45 minutes
Target audience: Lightning

In this talk I'll be covering the topics that I find are most often greeted with "that's cool, I didn't know I could do that"] by DBIx::Class users when presented as a solution to their problem on IRC, mailing lists or on-site:

- custom resultsources for 'virtual view' creation
- resultset subclassing to produce customised collections
- database deployment and versioning via SQL::Translator support
- transparent query restrictions via the RestrictWithObject extension
- digests and password encryption with the EncodedColumn extension
- complex relationships and custom join conditions
- efficient bulk insert and update operations
- using DBIx::Class against view-based OODB schemas

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