Closing Remarks

By Josh McAdams (‎jmcadams‎) from
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 03:25 PM
Duration: 5 minutes
Target audience: Lightning
Tags: yapc

By the time you attend this talk, most of the formal proceedings of the conference will be over. You will be excited, educated, hung-over, and exhausted. Little did you know that the conference has really only began. There are still training classes, hack-a-thons, socials, and professional follow-ups. You still need to take a look around Chicago and get the IRC nick of the first life friends that you just made.

YAPC might be winding down, but the YAPC buzz is just starting.

In this talk, we will reflect on what you have seen and done, as well as, tell you about what to expect in the near future. Just because the talks end doesn't mean that the conference has to.

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