YAPC::NA 2014 • Orlando, FL

Dancer BOF

I have not a precise agenda in mind, but since Sawyer X and myself (Yanick) will be around, it'd be a shame not to reserver some time for Dancer stuff. I was thinking of perhaps a open questions/discussion type of BOF. Current state of the dance floor, future plans, suggestions and wild ideas for Dancer itself and its surrounding ecosystem of plugins and tools, things like that?

Math/Science BoF

There's a panel on day 3, but perhaps people would like a bit of time to discuss what they're doing in the sciences with Perl. Not all of us spend our Perl time writing web frameworks and IRC bots, and we haven't all moved to Python, Haskell, Julia, etc. (yet). It would be nice to meet some others doing the same.

irc.perl.org Governance BOF

The irc.perl.org governance proposal ( https://gist.github.com/sungo/10679594 ) states that the initial community opers must hold an initial face-to-face meeting at YAPC. This meeting will be open to all and will focus on the creation of an initial charter and the policies around selecting additional community opers.

Perl Jobs BOF

I have run this BOF the last two yapc's. Attendance went from about 10 in Madison to over 20 in Austin. We will cover resume and interview tips, whether agents are good or evil, job hunting stories and more. Hopefully we will have a long time slot as we did in Austin (90 minute lunch period). Time and location to be announced. Add your name below if you are interested in attending. Uri Guttman (‎uri‎)

version 7 saved on 29/05/14 06:55 by Uri Guttman (‎uri‎)

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