YAPC::NA 2014 • Orlando, FL

General Hardware Hacking

There will be things hardware things to hack on this year. If you are bringing something please list it below. Let's make perl the glue and development language of the Internet of Things.


* Find others to help give Perl Hardware website more love and attention.
* I would like to create a framework using Moose to handle all Multimeters. If you have a Multimeter please bring it a long.

Things Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎) is bringing

* Various Arduinos
* 3 Raspberry pi
* PandaBoard
* Mastech MAS345 PC-Interfaced Digital Multimeter Device::MAS345.
* Programmable LED Badge Device::MiniLED
* Triple-axis Accelerometer+Magnetometer (Compass) Board - LSM303Device::LSM303DLHC
* BeagleBone
* BeagleBone Black
* Bus Pirate perl example code
* BlinkyTape Device::BlinkyTape
* Saleae Logic Needs more perl. (SDK)
* 4x4x4 Multi-Color LED Cube Device::Hypnocube
* 5 MaKey MaKey
* WiiChuck Adapter
* Gameduino
* Soundlazer
* Various other hardware such as servo motors, LEDs, Buttons, knobs, joysticks, etc.

If you have one please bring it for people to play with ...

* [http://www.monoprice.com/Product?c_id=101&cp_id=10110&cs_id=1011002&p_id=5312&format=4|4x2 True Matrix HDMI®
Switch w/ Remote]
* Any serial multimeter.

UAV Hacking (Proposed)

Maybe you can't afford an AR.Drone or some other UAV, but you can still have fun with one. Some things we could add to UAV::Pilot:

* Object recognition with OpenCV
* Port the drawing of video frames to OpenGL
* Draw on top of video frames (nav data, object recognition boxes)
* Augmented Reality games
* Tying the event system to the nav data (so you can program scripts like "turn up throttle until height = 400cm")
* Getting the HD video stream working on the AR.Drone
* Finish getting a video stream off a Raspberry Pi camera
* Documentation

There will be at least one AR.Drone to play with, including a good set of batteries. Others are encouraged to bring theirs along if they can fit it in their luggage. Be sure to see TSA rules on carrying batteries: http://blog.tsa.gov/2013/06/travel-tips-tuesday-safely-packing.html

version 21 saved on 20/05/14 20:17 by Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎)

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