BOF stands for Birds of a Feather. They are informal discussion groups, formed in an ad-hoc/JIT manner. Feel free to add your BOF wishlist or proposal here.

Monday night is Dinner BOF Night .

There is a scheduled BOF time of the dinner on Tuesday evening between the scheduled talks and Game Night. Take as long as you like for dinner, and eventually end up at Game Night, and stay as long as you like.

Other potential times: lunch Mon/Tue/Wed, Wednesday night, or any time you can get people to agree to.

Bad Movie BOF
Location - TBD
Time - Ask David H. Adler (‎dha‎) or DrForr
If anyone has a good idea for a venue, please let me know -- David H. Adler (‎dha‎)

Perl Jobs BOF
Lunch, Monday June 3rd
Location - TBD - will announce on email and here.
suggest a good lunch place for 10-15 perlers.
Uri Guttman (‎uri‎)

Perl 5 Porters BOF
Lunch, Monday June 3rd
Location - TBD.
An opportunity for current committers and contributors to the Perl 5 Porters to meet one another in person -- and for people interested in learning how to contribute to the Perl 5 core distribution for the first time.
James E Keenan (‎kid51‎)
Sawyer X (‎Sawyer X‎)
Mark Allen (‎mallen‎)

Dancer BOF ( DINNER )
Location - TBD (let's coordinate on a whiteboard at the VIP)

A chance to hang out with other Perl Dancers.
Lee Carmichael (‎lecar_red‎)
Michael South (‎msouth‎)
D Ruth Bavousett (‎druthb‎)

Acmeism BOF
Location - TBD
Hack on things for all languages (including Perl5 and Perl6).
Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎)
Nova Patch (‎patch‎)

Mental Health BOF
Location & Time: Proposed: Monday night (BOF dinner night). Proposed location: Serranos on Red River Road. google map

Sign up on this page or contact Rick Scott (‎shadowspar‎) -

version 25 saved on 04/06/13 00:23 by Michael South (‎msouth‎)

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