Game Night - Tuesday night

Game Night is being planned. Dinner and (2 soft drinks or 1 beer) will be provided, but you'll buy any additional drinks. A sponsor is also supplying artisan coffee. There will be wifi there. Transportation to the venue directly from the conference center immediately following the lightning talks will be provided.

Folks bringing board games: list them here so you have a bit of knowledge of the number of game tables and so folks can put their names beside ones they want to play.

Keep in mind folks will likely be wandering in and out throughout the evening.

More details later, here and to the mailing list.

Magic Drafting? (Quinn Murphy)

I need to scout out a store from which to by Magic cards, but assuming someone is interested in that and I can find it, we could do a magic draft tonight (Sunday) or on Tuesday. ping me at firstname.lastname on gmail. f you are interested/know of a game store we can get cards.

Check Dragon's Lair or Wonko's for Magic (and any other gaming needs) - Frank Sheiness (‎archon‎)

Mike South game list

Here are games I have--put your name by any you want me to bring. Not saying I'm bringing any if there is no interest indicated here. I'm first initial last name at gmail if you want to get in touch. At present I am planning on driving down in my own vehicle so it should not be a problem to bring a bin with all of these.

{update: I will be bringing all of these, due to expressed interest below. But that is no reason to stop expressing interest. Also, I'm willing to do one or more teaching runs of one or more of these games if anyone is interested in learning them. If you have a particular game you really really want to learn, get a couple other people who will play it with you and I will teach you all and be available for consultation as questions come up.}

Interested in all of these: Wendy Van Dijk (‎woolfy‎)
Interested in all of these except Dominion: Stephen Wilcoxon (‎wilcoxon‎)
Interested in Puerto Rico, Ticket to Ride, and Agricola: JT Smith (although I might be busy playing the games I'm bringing too)
Interested in Ticket to Ride: Jeff Benton, Karl Arp
Interested in all but TTR: Frank Sheiness (‎archon‎)

Dungeons & Dragons (Kinda)

Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎) will run something. It will be closer to Basic D&D than any other edition, but heavily homebrewed. Express interest.

- Interested! Breno Oliveira (‎garu‎)
- I'm memorizing Tenser's Floating Disc! Perrin Harkins (‎perrin‎)
- Andrew Dougherty (‎aindilis‎)
- I am **enthusiastically** interested! Mark Allen (‎mallen‎)
- I was promised kobolds! Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎)
- I am interested, and an informed n00b. Chip Salzenberg (‎Chip‎)
- Interested! How basic are we talking, btw? Niall Durham (‎dbcooper‎) (rjbs says: Well, when I run Basic, I run Moldvay. The different Basics are incredibly similar, though, and we'll be doing something so modified that worrying about Holmes v. Mentzer would be pointless.)


Chris Nehren (‎apeiron‎) will run something. Pathfinder is like D&D 3.5, but with (in apeiron's opinion) some of the bugs fixed. I'll be sticking close to the published rules so people familiar with 3.5 or Pathfinder can jump in easily. Please let me know if you're interested, and if your preference is towards We Be Goblins or a PFS module I choose at random. I will be providing pregens for both of these, or you can bring your own character (note that you must play a goblin for We Be Goblins, obviously).

woolfy game list

I will bring my stack of games that aren't too heavy (airplane mode):

Curtis Jewell (‎CSJewell‎) for Fluxx or Chrononauts.

CSJewell game list

I can bring some of my (and my son's) smaller games - please express interest if you want me to bring them!


I will bring a travel scrabble set. I am looking for some solid players to play.
Signup below if you are interested.

Uri Guttman (‎uri‎)


It'd be nice if someone could bring one or more Go sets (presumably a local).

Interested players:

D Ruth Bavousett (‎druthb‎)'s game list

As with last year, I'll have a satchel full of classics--

Lacuna Expanse & Bridge Command

I (JT Smith) will bring the board game version of The Lacuna Expanse, and a new game I'm working on called Bridge Command, where we work co-operatively to save a disabled star ship.

Interested in The Lacuna Expanse (up to 4 players per game)

Interested in Bridge Command (up to 7 players per game)

Settlers of Catan

I (Jeff Benton) will bring the basic Settler's of Catan with 5/6 player expansion. If someone is interested in other expansions, I may be able to borrow one from a friend.

{I have the Cities and Knights as well as Seafarers expansions with the 5/6 player setup for each. I'll try to fit it in the bin I'm bringing :) Michael South (‎msouth‎) }


Actually Cluedo as it is the UK version and includes Parson Green rather than Mr Green.

Frank Sheiness (‎archon‎) Game List

I have a fair amount of overlap with Mike South and then some. I'm local so I don't mind bringing them all.

Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎)

It's Texas. Time to play some bones !

Faelin Landy (‎wolf‎) Game List

Overlaps somewhat with games already brought, but I figured extra things couldn't hurt.

Jonathan Rockway (‎jrockway‎) Game List

I've brought Tichu. It needs three other players.

user:darch Game List

Managed to fit Battlestar Galactica in the bag. It seats upwards of three, of which there's so far only me.

version 62 saved on 04/06/13 00:58 by Alexander D'Archangel

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