Submitted talks: 32
Accepted talks: 25


Demos and Tutorials

Demos and tutorials of particular bits of software, both established and newly revealed.

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Mark Allen (‎mallen‎) ‎Perl, dtrace and you‎
[ Talk ]
45 minutes English 04/06/13 11:10
Jud Dagnall (‎jud‎) ‎Perl, Hive and Pig, Oh My! Hadoop for Perl programmers‎ 45 minutes English 05/06/13 09:00
Mike Friedman (‎friedo‎) ‎Testing CPAN in the 21st Century:‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
45 minutes English 04/06/13 15:05
JT Smith ‎Wing: Web Services In An Hour‎ 45 minutes English 04/06/13 13:30
JT Smith ‎Box::Calc‎ 20 minutes English 03/06/13 15:05
Yichun Zhang (‎agentzh‎) ‎Flame Graphs for Online Performance Profiling‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 04/06/13 10:35

Lightning Talks Day 1

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Duke Leto ‎Mentoring For Fun And Profit‎ lightning English  
Jonathan Rubin ‎Plain English Testing and Automation‎ lightning English  

Lightning Talks Day 2

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎) ‎RosettaCode is on GitHub‎ lightning English  

Lightning Talks Day 3

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Justin Wheeler (‎dnm‎) ‎Gitc‎ lightning English  


Not focused on programming or particular bits of software - talks about projects, organizations, people, self, relationships

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
John Anderson (‎genehack‎) ‎Automate Yo'self‎ 20 minutes English 03/06/13 11:45
Heath Bair (‎Candybar‎) ‎How to run a Perl Workshop or Conference‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 03/06/13 15:40
Kevin Metcalf (‎profmetcalf‎) ‎student Perl code, head-desk injuries, and you‎ 45 minutes English 05/06/13 13:30
john napiorkowski (‎jnap‎) ‎Defense Against The Dark Arts: A Project Management Survival Guide For Open Source Programmers‎ 20 minutes English 04/06/13 09:00

Perl Neighborhood

Members of the wider Perl family and proximal neighbors; talks on Perl 6, Perl 5 reimplementations, and new Perl 5|6 VMs.

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Geoffrey Broadwell (‎japhb‎) ‎The Need for Speed: Benchmarking Perl 6‎ 20 minutes English 05/06/13 11:35
Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎) ‎Acmeism - Hacking in all Languages at Once‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
45 minutes English 04/06/13 11:10
Mark Keating (‎mdk‎) ‎The Perl of Christmas Past‎ 45 minutes English 03/06/13 09:45
Stevan Little (‎stevan‎) ‎Moe Status Update‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 04/06/13 14:30
Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎) ‎Perl 6 on the JVM‎
[ Talk ]
45 minutes English 04/06/13 09:35
Carl Mäsak (‎masak‎) ‎Perl 6 OO without you going O_O - Zero to Perl 6 Training‎ 20 minutes English 03/06/13 11:45

Programming and Perl

Talks on general programming principles, lessons, and techniques, as well as those unique to Perl.

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Joe Axford (‎j0e‎) ‎Notes from a Newbie‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 05/06/13 14:30
Jay Hannah (‎jhannah‎) ‎Bioperl Rules / Drools‎ 45 minutes English 03/06/13 14:05
Peter Martini ‎Getting to sub signatures‎ 45 minutes English 05/06/13 15:05
Josh Rabinowitz (‎"joshr"‎) ‎Bitcoins and Perl‎ 20 minutes English 04/06/13 14:30
Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎) ‎Perl 5: Postcards from the Edge‎ 45 minutes English 05/06/13 13:30